Finomen SAS consists of a Property Consultant, a Project Manager and a Consultant who provide design, installation and back-up services forf computer systems destined exclusively for the banking and financial sectors

Version Française English version









Property Consultant
Banking Regulations, BAFI, Balance of Payments, Cash Ratios, IFU, FICP, FCI, CTO, Tracfin, Accounting Systems, Credit and Debit Balance, Reconciliation, Profitability, Ratio Generation, Datawarehouse, EIC, SIT, Credits, Bad Debts, Outstanding Payments, Savings, Cash Dispensing, OPCVM (Valuation, Statements of Accounts, Plaquettes, COB statistics and ratios)

Project Manager
Revenues, Authorised Charges, Process, Entitlements, Training, Assistance

Sab Banking Software Packages, Quadra Compta, Chorus, Accounting Software, Liquidity and Reconciliation

Great Geographical Mobility
Operation in English (acitivity underway with Egg UK)
Board member of CIGALES, investment club.

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